Friday, September 13, 2013

we ran out of diapers, now what?

i'm actually really surprised that it took over 2 years for this to happen for the first time.  it's probably because i keep diapers stashed all over the house, so typically when i run out in one area i know i have my other stashes as back up until i can restock.  well, the day finally came when all the stashes were empty.  now what?

it was nighttime and i'd just changed leah and put her to bed when i realized it was my last diaper for her.  halle grace was already fast asleep, and jeff was staying downtown for a work event, so a late night target run was not an option.  i figured there was nothing i could do about it now, so i'd just go to bed and me and my coffee would devise a plan in the morning.

morning came and after searching the house one last time, i decided to call jeff - i thought for sure he would tell me i'd forgotten about a secret stash in the freezer or something.  just kidding :) i don't keep a stash in the freezer.  although, maybe now i should!  his only advice was to check the stuffed animal bin, which i had already thought of.  leah loves to diaper her babies and animals.  unfortunately, curious george was sans a diaper.

still no plan.

it was only a matter of time before i would see movement on the monitor and leah sitting up in her bed like a little prairie dog, patiently waiting for me to come get her.  (i'm not even kidding about that, i can't make this stuff up)  here let me find you a picture.....

see?? haha!

i realize what you're probably thinking.  maybe if i would just potty train her, i wouldn't have to worry about this.  yeah yeah, i'll get there.  for some reason, potty training is just something i really dread.  bring me a strong will or a bad habit and i'll attack it head on with some good old fashioned discipline, my best chart and a pad of stickers!  not that i've fully conquered either of those, but i accept that challenge with more confidence than potty training.

so anyway, she prairie dogs it, i go up to get her.  her diaper from the night before definitely wasn't an option.  should i just have her go commando and PRAY the whole way to target to get some?  no, too risky, and i hate cleaning her car seat.  so i was left with one final option.  she was just going to have to squeeze into one of halle's.  i got it on her, and it was definitely super tight and two sizes too small.  she looked at me super confused, and kept patting the diaper saying "this halle dace's! this halle dace's!" so i said, "chin up, daughter!  this isn't the first time you're pants will be too tight and two sizes too small if you take after your mother." (don't you feel lucky that i let you in on these little pearls of wisdom and encouragement i pass along to my firstborn?)  plus it only takes like 3 minutes to get to target so i knew she'd be fine.  

so we go to load up in the van, and she for some reason, did NOT want to get into her carseat.  the poor thing inherited her daddy's bad allergies so her nose was all runny and she sounded all stuffy, and she was crying "no mama! i don't want to!" i felt so bad for her in her teensy diaper and stuffy nose that out of no where i said something that i immediately regretted.  i said, "leah, if you be a good girl and get in your car seat so we can get to target, (here it comes) i'll let you pick out a toy!" why on earth would i ever say such a thing??? now every time we go to target she's going to ask for a toy.  and she's at the age now where she forgets nothing!  well, it was too late to take it back now, and she was extremely happy about this and in a better mood so i figured i might as well go with it.  

so we get to target.  oh, did i forget to mention that she's in her pj's?  usually, when we leave the house, i slick 'er up real good, but this particular day we didn't have time for such luxuries.  so we get to target, and i go to get her out.  she's got on bright green and blue pj's, her hair is all amok and she's got on purple sparkly shoes that she insisted on wearing, runny nose, and a teensy diaper.  oh! whatta ya know.  i have a picture. (i take pictures of literally everything.  my phone often yells at me that i've use up all my storage space)

anyway, there she was, poor little thing.  she must've gotten bored on the 3 minute trek because her socks are off and her shoes on are the wrong feet.  looks like georgie took a spill, too.

so, we load up and head into target.  she's crying the whole way in because she wants to "waaalllk, mama!" she doesn't think it's considered walking if she has to hold my hand, haha!  so i tell her she can "walk" as soon as we get inside.  then she starts crying because she wants "chock-it milk".  i usually give her chocolate milk in the mornings (ovaltine, i've gotta get vitamins in her somewhere!) but i figured this morning i'd better forgo the chocolate milk with the diaper situation, or things could get real ugly.  so i finally make it to the back of the store, get the diapers, and get back to the front of the store, get her changed and situated so we could continue on our journey.  oh, as luck would have it - i have a picture!!

look at halle grace sitting up there just being a little angel.  she's just going along for the ride.  she has no idea of all the calamities leah and i have been through this morning.  actually, she probably does, and she's sitting up there laughing at us.  and yeah yeah i hear aren't supposed to put your kids in those nasty germy disease filled front carts.  relax, i wiped it down with a disinfectant wipe that my beloved target so generously provides when you walk in.  so there.  anyway, you'll notice leah has her precious "chock-it milk" in her hands.  i marched on over to the starbucks counter and got her one for being such a good sport.  actually, she was a terrible sport, but she's spoiled rotten if nothing else.

so i buzz through the store trying to get out as quickly as possible so i don't get disapproving glares because leah is still in her pajamas.  

one time, i took her to target in her pj's and some woman stopped to say hi to her and she said (to leah, but obviously totally directed at me) "ooooh honeyyy, you're still in your pajamas!"  like she was some poor orphan child.  so i gave her my best look of indignation and said, ma'am i can assure you she does not go without.  should i even happen to mention to her nana that she is in need of something, she makes it her personal mission to buy every article of said item in every shape, size and color this side of the border.  and then her mimi takes on the challenge of making sure she has a pair of shoes to go with every item her nana bought.  so just leave me alone!  ok fine, i did't say that at all.  that's just what i was thinking.  instead i just smiled sweetly and said "oh it's just a pj kinda day, isn't it leah?" and then i rammed her cart like we were in bumper cars.  ok fine, i didn't do that either, but i thought about it.

as we were moseying along, i spot the toy section up ahead and remembered my impulse promise.  i'm thinking, oh great, just what we need is another $800 stuffed animal.  anyway, right before we get to the toy section, i spot a $1-$2 toy bin!! "aaahhhhh" i heard the angels singing a beautiful chorus coming from that bin.  just another reason target is worthy of my love.  so, i pull her up to it and let her pick something out.  she went with a little mini disney princess magna doodle.  superb choice.  moving on (and praying she forgets this little incident). 

we finally made it through the store, and up to the check-out.  this is where halle grace usually starts to lose her patience, and is dunzo being in her carseat.  and it's really all my fault.  i just had to read that 12th greeting card to make sure i picked the perfect one, and i just had to stop by and smell the purex crystals (that i already have at home), and of course i had to browse the dollar section at the front of the store.  so yeah, i'd say she has every right to fuss at me at this point.  and it's usually the same two daytime check-out ladies at my target, so who knows what they think of me and my antics.  whatever, i don't care, i'm keeping their doors open.  so there :)  we load up with our purchases and with a cart filled with a fresh stock of diapers...we fade off into the sunset.  and by fade off into the sunset, i mean me sprinting while pushing the cart (and praying nothing or no one falls out) to get home as quickly as possible because halle has a zero to high pitch scream rate of about 3 minutes.  that little angel :) 

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