Tuesday, September 10, 2013

hair shenanigans

for a while now, while skimming Pinterest (per usual), i have found the ombre hairstyle quite intriguing when i would come across a pin showing a picture of it.  for those who don't know what ombre is -  it's where you have dark hair on top at the roots and it gradually fades to light...here i'll just show you a pic.
super cute, right?  i'd been debating whether or not to do it for a while.  my hair is kinda my thang.  i've kinda got it figured out by now.  i know how to do it to make it look just so.  which those of you with curly hair know what i'm talking about, it's an art.  anyway, so i figured i better not mess with it.  i'll just stick with my safe "inside the box" highlights.  not boxed highlights like i do them myself.  that's just scary.  but i mean nothing risky or "outside of the box".  oh nevermind.

well anyway, one day, i must've been feeling really wild and crazy and i decided to go ahead and do it. and at a salon i'd never been to before.  who knows what i was thinking.  i must've been sleep deprived or something.  anyway, so i go on over to the salon.  the super cute trendy stylist that's going to do my hair welcomes me and assures me this is going to look super fab on me.  she insists on taking "before and after" pictures. (sorry, i thought about sharing them with you, but...ain't happenin) so, she takes my before picture, and i'm thinking ok! alright! lets do this.  i'm sitting there looking at it and i look like a typical mom with brownish blonde hair who could potentially drive a mini-van.  i'm very excited for my "after" pic because surely i'm going to be transformed into a young hip mom with trendy flowy locks like drew barrymore.

so after a couple hours of who knows what - she finishes my 'do and takes my "after" pic.  super-trendy-mom-with-the-flowy-locks - i do not see.  instead i look like a scared skunk wondering what on earth have i done?!  oh, i'm sure the girl did a fine job.  i just don't think i have what it takes to pull off an edgy trendy hairstyle.  i leave a little shell shocked, and once panic mode set in i convinced myself - it's ok.  i'll get home, wash it, and style it my normal way, and everything will be A-okay.  so i did just that.  still, i see the scared skunk staring back at me in the mirror.

so i call my regular hair lady, my savior, and make an appointment for some damage control.  thankfully, after i confessed of my shenanigans, she took them right in stride and confidently came up with a plan that would fix things.  and she did just that.  thank you, debbie.  i will never misbehave again, i promise.

i know what some of you might be thinking..."you should give yourself some credit, i'm sure you could pull off hip and trendy".  i assure you, it has nothing to do with not giving myself enough credit.  i'm just not hip and trendy, and that's ok.  i've embraced it.

i was recently even more convinced of this when jeff and i went downtown to see one of his friends play in a rock concert.  first of all, i do not belong in downtown Chicago.  supposedly, we were somewhere called "bucktown".  we were in Chicago.  why does a specific area need another name?  let's keep it simple Chicago, where i come from we didn't even have stop lights (still don't) and we made it just fine.  i'm still all sorts of confused as to why it is called "bucktown".  it definitely didn't look like an area where there was likely to be a 10-pointer spotting (ironically enough, people from "bucktown" probably have no idea what that even means).  and i didn't see any camo, so it wasn't a neighborhood of hunters.  which would have been really awkward since i'm pretty sure i saw a PETA parade a couple streets over.

anyway, sorry for the tangent.  back to the rock concert.  we are standing there, listening to the music and as i look around i'm surrounded by a bunch of youngsters who all walked there from their cool apartment in the city, in their skinny jeans and rimmed glasses looking all trendy, feelin' the vibe.  and i'm all, standing there proud of myself that i don't have any stains on my nursing tank top, thinking about how cool it is that i have a vacuum in my mini-van, wondering if it would be awkward for jeff and i to take a couples-selfie to document that we were out on a school night.  whatevs, we still had fun.  then it came time to leave, and the group we were with wanted to know if we wanted to go somewhere else.  i'm thinking...  'somewhere else?! oh, you mean like next week? surely they can't mean tonight.  if i leave right now i'll still be up ten minutes past my bedtime'.  see guys? i'm a lame-OOOO.  and that's ok.  i like it that way.  leah thinks i'm cool :)

1 comment:

  1. Let there me no confusion. I believe you arrived home some time past 1 am....on a "school night" ;)
